Gears For Careers

Don’t trip yourself up

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What do you think is the biggest thing that could stand between you and achievement? Yourself! You do this when you are too intent on impressing others or wanting to succeed by hook or crook. Here are some tips on how to avoid shooting yourself in the foot.

Be comfortable in your own skin: The status trap is one of the most tempting for many people. Status helps but when it becomes how you define yourself, you could derail your career and personal development. Don’t accept other people’s definition of success; define your own so that you are better prepared and more committed to give whatever it takes to achieve it.

Focus on what you do well: I heard someone say once; there’s no wrong job, only the wrong person for a particular job. In seeking to advance be careful not to take on roles that you’ll at best be average at. Weave your career around your strengths, talents and interests. When you go with what you are good at and enjoy you are more likely to succeed.

Accept what you can’t control: And there’s a lot you can’t; your boss’ mood, whether you get to lead that high profile assignment or if your hard work gets acknowledged. Focus and drive forward what is possible and manage what’s beyond your control.

Don’t give up on yourself: When you slip or make mistakes, don’t get into self-condemnation or self-pity. Pick yourself up, learn your lessons and move on. Your primary goal should be to demand only the best from yourself and to minimize how quickly you get disappointed.

Stop acting small: To get ahead you have to believe in yourself, that’s not about being boastful or being ‘all knowing’; its feeling big within yourself because of what you believe you can become and building the skills and confidence to act accordingly.

Drop the feeling of entitlement: When you act as if the world owes you a living, you never really stretch yourself, push your boundaries or live your best rather than waste time complaining about what you think you deserve. If you want or deserve it, go after it.

Now take action: Identify three ways in which you are getting in your own way; what will you do about it.

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